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10,000 Baby Boomers retire
every day.
53% of Baby Boomers say they aren’t ready to retire.
60% of Baby Boomers say flexible work hours are critically important to them.
86% of Boomers say that their favorite brands reward them for their loyalty.
79% of Gen X say they feel forgotten in the workplace.
50% of global leadership roles are held by Generation
52% of Gen Xers chose teamwork as their favorite form of work.
90% of Gen X consumers say that their favorite brand treats them like an individual.
49% of Millennials want to work
fully remote.
21 percent of Millennials report switching jobs within the last year.
36% of millennials have 2 or
more jobs.
64% of millennials make impulse
86% of Gen Z prefer face to face communication in their job.
71% of Gen Z ‘ers have a side
62% of Gen Z want to customize their career path.
80% of Gen Z consumers are drawn to brands that customize their products.

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We Provide Professional Business Solutions

We Provide Professional Business Solutions

“Jonah’s voice helped us break out of traditional ways of thinking to further re-imagine how the NFL can better engage young consumers. Leveraging his own research, plus additional secondary research, and industry best practices, Jonah put forth several viable ideas that we continue to explore today. Jonah successfully demonstrated a deep Gen Z subject matter expertise.”

“We began working with David and Jonah over three years ago and their generational research has proved invaluable when it comes to both employee and customer experience. In our hotels our teammates range from Baby Boomers, Gen X and Millennials, and even some Gen Z’s. David and Jonah’s work helped provide our team with the tools to appropriately communicate across the generation gaps. We also understand better that our different customers want different things.

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Wallace D. Grace

Coach Teacher

Evan A. Ethridge

Coach Teacher

Marcus L. Duncan

Coach Teacher

Paul B. Gilliland

Coach Teacher

Donald T. Lewis

Coach Teacher

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Wilbert A. Toney


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Meet Our Professinoal Team Members

Wallace D. Grace

Coach Teacher

Evan A. Ethridge

Coach Teacher

Marcus L. Duncan

Coach Teacher

Paul B. Gilliland

Coach Teacher

Donald T. Lewis

Coach Teacher

Allan J. Sumlin

Coach Teacher

Gracie T. Evans

Coach Teacher

David S. Hudson

Coach Teacher

Michael J. Randall

Coach Teacher

Joseph Anderson

Coach Teacher

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